ONE SPIRIT – School of Healing Arts & Koha Healing Collective presents

~ Opening to a Heart-Centred Space ~

A Group Healing Circle
Wed 28th, July – 7-9pm
Facilitated by One Spirit Healing Practitioner Trainees
Marcia Evans and Mary Mora

‘If words come out of the heart they will enter the heart’ Rumi

This is an opportunity to be in a group setting where you are guided to experience your heart and the knowledge and wisdom it contains. Connecting with your heart can be a beautiful and grounding experience. Our hearts can guide us gently towards our truth where we can live from a more authentic place, bringing us deeper connection to the world around us and our inner knowing.

Where: Mary Potter Community Centre –422 Durham Street, St Albans, Christchurch
Cost: Koha
Please Bring: a cushion or something comfortable to sit on, a rug for comfort and if you feel called to bring a special item that represents your heart for the evening.
Limited spaces available, registrations essential. Please register your place by submitting the registration form here
The Koha Healing Collective is part of the One Spirit School of Healing Arts and is run by Healing Practitioners in training. For more info please visit :

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