One Spirit
Student Information & Consent Form

ONE SPIRIT HEALING Practitioner Training Information


ONE SPIRIT HEALING is an IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists) approved modality. Every teacher of ONE SPIRIT HEALING is an approved Training Provider.


ONE SPIRIT HEALING Practitioner Training is divided into 3 Levels. After completion of each level, the student will receive a certificate. The successful completion of each training level depends on sufficient attendance and engagement of training modules, as well as satisfactory assessments. At the end of Level 3, the student is able to receive an Internationally Recognised Certification as ONE SPIRIT HEALING Practitioner.


As part of the healing training, we will discuss a variety of topics including: major stressors in your life, belief systems, health history, trauma, childhood and other issues
that have an influence on your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health and wellbeing. All information shared by you, will be kept confidential, unless:

  • you advise otherwise
  • when disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to yourself and others
  • we are a defendant in a civil, criminal or disciplinary action arising from the student relationship (in which case student confidences may only be disclosed in the course if that action).
  • at your request or approval, and according to my capabilities, and good conscience, and professional judgment that I may I consult with your other healers, therapists, physicians and spiritual teachers as appropriate to maximise the benefits to yourself.

ONE Spirit doesn’t act as a physician and therefore does not diagnose disease or prescribe drugs. At all times your healing is your responsibility. The nature of healing is, that sometimes the very thing you would like to solve and overcome, will first get stronger and louder, including physical symptoms. This is part of the healing process, and will be supported by your teacher. We do not advise you to discontinue any medical treatment you may be receiving, we may only suggest. Our work is intended to be in harmony with any other healing treatment that you undertake, including conventional and traditional medicine. Please feel free to discuss our work with your doctor and other Health Practitioners.


In signing the Acknowledgment and Release, you understand and agree all the above and that we may work with you in the above-described manner.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read the foregoing Training Information, Confidentiality & Consent, am satisfied that I fully understand the nature of the Trainings, and freely elect to attend these Trainings.

I acknowledge that I am engaging in personal and spiritual growth and that this can result in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual changes and challenges.

I understand that this training involves alternative treatment and if there are any medical concerns, I need to talk to my GP.

I release ONE SPIRIT HEALING from any responsibility in case of an accident, illness, injury or reactive symptoms.

I acknowledge that all information I provided in this form is true and accurate.

I release ONE SPIRIT HEALING from any and all claims of malpractice, non-disclosure, or lack of informed consent. I freely assume any and all risks of the consultation whether presently contemplated or hereinafter discovered.

Please fill out this form as accurately as possible, thank you for your time!