ONE SPIRIT – School of Healing Arts & Koha Healing Collective presents

The Divine Feminine:
A Guided Evening for Inner Connection & Healing

Thursday 27th April 2023 7.30–9pm @ Mary Potter Centre
Facilitated by One Spirit Healing Practitioner Trainees
Sarah Jones and Tomo Takaku

Through meditation, sound and with the support of Spirit we will be calling the Divine Feminine into our bodies and hearts. Masculine and Feminine energy has been out of balance for thousands of years. Now is the time to welcome the feminine back into our combined consciousness. As we do so we will not only be healing ourselves, but the family, the community and the world. Please join us on a journey of exploring the Feminine within, through heart meditation, the medicine drum and our greatest feminine ally, Gaia. We will delve deep into our own hearts, to touch on and acknowledge the Feminine within us all.

This will be an evening of renewal, acceptance, love and a welcoming home to the sacred divine being in us all.

Where: Mary Potter Community Centre, 442 Durham Street North, St Albans, Christchurch 8014
Cost: Koha
Please Bring: a cushion or something comfortable to sit on, a rug for comfort and if you feel called to bring a special item that represents your heart for the evening..
Limited spaces available, registrations essential. Please register your place by submitting the registration form here
The Koha Healing Collective is part of the One Spirit School of Healing Arts and is run by Healing Practitioners in training. For more info please visit :

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