ONE SPIRIT – School of Healing Arts & Koha Healing Collective presents

Freedom to Move & Dance:
Moving through inhibitions to find your freedom in Dance

Thursday 31st August 2023 7.30–9pm @ Mary Potter Centre
Facilitated by One Spirit Healing Practitioner Trainees
Leonie Kaywood and Brenda Garlick

Do you have inhibitions in movement or dance?  
Exploring the freedom to dance as if no-one is watching.  

As human beings, we’re designed to sing, to create and respond to music and to move and to dance from the depths of the soul.  

Music, dance, and movement, not only encapsulate cultural and spiritual identity but also offer the possibility to heal, to create community, a sense of belonging and the power of inclusivity. 

How comfortable do you feel when invited or inspired to move or express yourself through movement or dance? Does the thought of this bring you joy and excitement or doubts and fears? Do you hold inhibitions you’d like to break free from and begin to feel again the freedom of your soul’s dance you were born with? 

Join us in a facilitated evening where we create a safe space for you to explore your inner connection, to honour and acknowledge with love and compassion any inhibitions that arise and follow the movement of your soul, to feel the innate joy of moving. 

We will orientate ourselves to the space and each other, then through a guided meditative journey bring a closer awareness to aspects that may limit us from moving/dancing, before transitioning into the healing freedom of dance.  

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