
We are One Heart, One Love & One Spirit

One Spirit is an Initiative born within the recognition of our Oneness with all Living Beings. One Spirit describes the Field of Energy and Consciousness we are all part of. Our Healing Journey, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual will always point us towards our connection with the Divine Source. From One Spirit we emerge, within One Spirit we heal and to One Spirit we return. It describes the Truth of our Existence, and also the core element of our Healing. We are all walking each other home.

“Hoki mai ki tou ngakau aroha”

Philippe Atman - Founder & Principal Teacher

Philippe Atman – One Spirit Energy Healing

Philippe has been a Healing Practitioner for over 20 years. The path of his own healing and of working with people, has taken him deeply into the realms of humanity and spirit. Since the age of 14, he has been engaged in the healing arts and the world of energy. He became a qualified healing practitioner at the age of 23. Over the last 20 years he was trained in a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing modalities. His life and work were always inspired and enriched by the Living Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples around the world.

In 2020, Philippe founded the One Spirit – School of Healing Arts, and is now facilitating Healing Practitioner Training in New Zealand. Philippe created the One Spirit – Centre for Wellbeing in Christchurch, NZ, where he works with people individually and facilitates personal and spiritual growth workshops and courses.

Personal Sessions
One Spirit Healing
CranioSacral Therapy
Holistic Counselling & Supervision
Spiritual Mentoring

Personal sessions are available in Central Christchurch or in Little River. Please use the below button to inquire about or to book personal sessions with Philippe.


Related Qualifications

1998 – 2001: Physiotherapy Diploma (Wannsee School – Berlin, Germany)

1998 – 1999: Integrated Breath and Body Work – Massage Therapy (Prague, Czech Republic)

2002 – 2004: Reiki 1, 2 & 3 Training (Wānaka, NZ School of Natural Energy Arts)

2004: CranioSacral Therapy Level 1 & 2 (Upledger Institute – US)

2005 – 2006: Somato Emotional Release Level 1 & 2 (Upledger Institute – US)

2006 – 2008: Pascha Therapist Training (Feeling Based Counselling) Level 1, 2 & 3 (Pascha Therapies – NZ)

2009 -2010: Pascha Therapist Teacher Training (Pascha Therapies – NZ)

2016: National Certificate in Adult Education and Training Level 5 (Primary ITO NZ)

2008 – 2024: Indigenous & Shamanic Studies in NZ, Andean Holy Mountain Tradition Initiations in Peru (

2020: Founder and Principal Teacher of ONE SPIRIT – School of Healing Arts

Arielle Atman - Senior Teacher & Healer

Arielle is an Intuitive Healer who works intimately with Energy, Sound, Light and Vibrational frequency.  She holds a feminine, sacred, nurturing and inspiring space for you to enter, relax and journey into.

Her 1:1 and group sessions restore balance and heal trauma. They open and support a pathway to wellness and your own inner wisdom on all levels, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

In a 1:1 session with Arielle you can expect to be met wherever you are at and to be supported to go deep toward your souls energy, so that you may heal and transform that which is out of balance. Each session is empowering and will help you to embody a deeper relationship with yourself, nature and source.

Arielle has always been intimately connected to the world of sound and energy. From a young age has had a strong connection with spirit and is able to see and hear the subtle realms. Her life path has taken her to many different countries, cultures and the discovery of various belief systems. At 13 she began her lifelong practice of Yoga, and at 25 completed a Yoga Teacher training. The connection that she developed with breath and energy through Yoga has been a stable and solid foundation in her life. Since the age of 22 she has worked in the Healing field, offering classes, retreats, workshops and one on one sessions.  Her relationship with Nature and the elements is very alive and she integrates this into her work. She is a Mother of 2 and dedicated partner to Philippe. They live in Little River, Banks Peninsula South Island New Zealand. Her feminine nature and role brings a refreshing balance and harmony to to the patriarchal system that we live in.

Personal Sessions
Energy Healing
Distant Healing
Holistic Counseling
Spiritual Mentoring
Yoga Tuition
Sound Healing

Personal sessions are available in Central Christchurch or in Little River. Please contact Arielle using the links below.

Related Qualifications

1975 -1984 Classical musical training (Wellington, New Zealand)

1990 -1992 International Yoga Teachers Association Teacher Training. (New Zealand)

1988 Therapeutic Touch Energy Healing (Wellington, New Zealand)

1986 -1990 Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree, Sociology (Victoria University Wellington NZ)

1990 Thai Massage Training (Wat Suan Dok Chiang Mai Thailand)

1993 – 1998 Kundalini Yoga Practices – (Hari Krishan Singh, NZ, USA & India)

2001 Thai Massage Training, Wat Pho tradition ( Berlin Germany)

2002-2004 Reiki 1, 2 & 3 (Wanaka New Zealand)

2005 -2009 Pascha Therapy Training (Christchurch New Zealand)

2017 Sacred Circle Facilitator Training & Cacao Ceremony Training  (Elah & Au Sierra , Bali, Indonesia)

2019 Cacao Ceremony Training (Cacao Mama, Berlin Germany)

2019 -2020 Herbal Apprenticeship (Phytofarm, Banks Peninsula New Zealand)



To me there is no difference between one person and another; I behold all as soul-reflections of the one God. I can’t think of anyone as a stranger, for I know that we are all part of the One Spirit.

Paramahansa Yogananda