ONE SPIRIT – School of Healing Arts & Koha Healing Collective presents

Animal Healing:
Deep Connection & Hands on Healing

Energy Healing for Animals

Thursday 29th June 2023 7.30–9pm @ 90 Fairweather Cres, Kaiapoi
Facilitated by One Spirit Healing Practitioner Trainees
Anne Robson and Lashitha Snajeev

Honouring our connection with our animal companions through energy healing.

This is an invitation to take a moment to pause and reflect on – How deep is our connection with our beloved animals? How authentic is it? Is it unconditional? How well do we understand them?

Let’s come together to familiarize ourselves with their world, to see through their eyes, to listen deeply, to understand what it truly means to be their guardians and to care for their well-being. Through mindful presence and a compassionate heart, we are going to hold space for their wholesome well-being. We invite you to come receive healing energy for yourself and your pets, to come back into balance and harmony. By shifting into balance and re-aligning with your center, you are more open and tuned in with your beloved animal companion’s energy. This helps you to have more clarity around their physical, mental, and emotional states, and deepen your connection with them. Pet parents of all kinds are warmly invited, you’re welcome to come with or without your pets. For practical reasons we’re limiting the space to only 5 dogs, since it’s easier to keep them on leash, this is on first come first serve basis

Where: 90 Fairweather Cres, Kaiapoi
Cost: Koha
Please Bring: a cushion or something comfortable to sit on, a rug for comfort.
Limited spaces available, registrations essential. Please register your place by submitting the registration form here
The Koha Healing Collective is part of the One Spirit School of Healing Arts and is run by Healing Practitioners in training. For more info please visit :

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