ONE SPIRIT – School of Healing Arts & Koha Healing Collective presents

Authentically You: A Guided Journey to Soul Alignment

A Group Guided Meditation
Wed 1st Dec, 7-9pm
Facilitated by One Spirit Healing Practitioner Trainees
Wendy Stewart and Kirsty Wills

You are invited to a beautiful evening of inward journeying to discover and bring to life the inner landscape your soul desires. You will be guided through meditation to bring forth your soul’s vision for your future and given the opportunity to release what is no longer in alignment. 

All welcome.

Where: Mary Potter Centre, 442 Durham Street North, St Albans, Christchurch
Cost: Koha
Please Bring: a cushion or something comfortable to sit on (some seating will be provided)
Limited spaces available, registrations essential. Please register your place by submitting the registration form here
The Koha Healing Collective is part of the One Spirit School of Healing Arts and is run by Healing Practitioners in training. For more info please visit :

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