Mandala: A creative exploration of your body, heart, and mind.

Thursday 30th November 2023, 7:30pm – Koha Healing Collective Event

Welcome and thank you for your interest in our event. To register your place please read all information and submit the form.

Please stay connected to the Facebook event for notifications. We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Koha Healing Collective

Event Consent and Release information

Please read our statement below, then tick the box below your details.

You are engaging in a facilitated group healing event. At all times your healing and growth is your responsibility.

Your participation in the event means that you agree to release One Spirit – School of Healing Arts and the Koha Healing Collective from any responsibility in case of an accident, illness, injury or reactive symptoms.

Thanks for your time!

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Registration form