Healing Collective Clinic

Every Saturday 9am – 1pm

@ ONE SPIRIT – Centre for Wellbeing

3D Wise Street (cnr Lincoln Rd)

Addington, Christchurch

Experience Hands on Healing and Heart Centred Support

The Healing Collective Clinic is run by fully qualified One Spirit Healing Practitioners. All practitioners have undergone an extensive period of self-healing and learning about the art of hands-on and heart-centred Healing.

These Healing Collective Clinic sessions are offered at a discounted rate to make them more available in our community.

How it Works

Please Read Carefully

  • Healing Sessions are individual with a duration of approx 1 hour. You can book an in-person session or a distant healing session (see more info below).

  • These Healing Collective Clinic sessions are offered at a discounted rate to make them more available in our community.
  • Every Healing Consultation will be tailored to your needs at the time.

  • Your specific needs and helpful information for the practitioner can be included in the form you will be asked to fill out when you schedule your time.

  • Distant Healing: These sessions are available distantly/remotely too, meaning you do not have to be coming to the clinic necessarily. So, if you live in a different part of the country, or too far out of Christchurch, you are welcome to book in for a distant healing session.
  • Although you have access to the profiles, you will not be able to choose a specific healing practitioner in this arrangement.

  • If you wish to make an appointment with a specific practitioner, please refer to the profiles page, and get in touch with them directly. Please note that the cost per session is likely to be higher.

Payment and Personal Info/Consent Form

When booking an appointment for the first time, you need to fill out a Personal Information and Consent Form. This is done during the online booking process along with payment of an $85 session fee.

The Appointment

Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your session time. You will be welcomed by one of the practitioners who will then facilitate the Healing with you. You will be guided through the whole process. There is no previous experience required. The session will go for approx 1 hour. After your appointment, your Practitioner will discuss with you how to proceed from there.

Welcome to this Offering

We hope to reach many people in our community, in order to offer and contribute to the support and healing needed in these tumultuous times. If you ever wondered about hands on healing or healing in general, please feel free to ask any questions you have, or visit the Healing School page.

With Love – ONE SPIRIT Healing Collective

Book Your Session

One Spirit Healing Collective - Energy Healing NZ