MARCH 4 & 6-12 2023

8-DAY Sacred Mountain Healing Journey

with Philippe Atman and Jeffrey Huamanchiq Wium

7-Day Holy Mountain Pilgrimage

Day Program: We will gather in Little River for a 1-day program to embody collective consciousness and the principles of loving presence through wisdom teachings, holistic practices, guided meditation and ceremony. Jeffrey and Philippe offer experiential exercises, personal guidance, somatic-shamanic healing and animistic prayer to help participants deepen their awareness, navigate challenges and increase overall wellbeing.

Onward Mountain Journey : After the Saturday program, we embark on a prayer-filled healing journey, traveling through the landscape to work at sacred sites around the South Island of Aoteroa-New Zealand. We begin at Castle Hill with the Waitaha where we enter into ceremony to commune with the ancients of this sacred land. Sacred wisdom, prayer, energetic transmissions, somatic-shamanic healing, music, movement and meditation help expand consciousness, harmonize mind-body-spirit and prepare us for a new era lived in tranquility and heart presence.

After Castle Hill, we travel south to commune at lakes and hot springs where we strengthen our prayers, deepen our connection with nature and spirit to prepare for our time at Mount Aoraki. Throughout the journey, we will camp under the stars and focus on deepening our relationship with Mother Earth, Elementals, Mountain benefactors and Celestial Spirits as well as expand consciousness and loving presence.

Philippe and Jeffrey will hold the sacred container, share their holistic knowledge and experience of working with indigenous traditions from around the world. This is an opportunity to experience the heart wisdom of ancestral traditions while learning to embody your Eternal Essence.

MEALS: We will collaborate family style, purchasing and preparing meals as we go.

SLEEPING: Camping in tents or under the stars depending on your preference (participants bring their own tent and sleeping gear).

TRANSPORT: Carpooling among participants. Sharing petrol expenses.


NZ$200 for the 1-Day Saturday Program

NZ$1500 for the 7-Day Sacred Mountain Journey, Monday to Sunday

NZ$1600 for the 1-Day Saturday Program + 7-Day Mountain Journey

FORMAT: We will operate as a supportive family during the journey, buying and pitching in for food and help out, setting up tents and tending to needs. We will all buy food and cover individual costs as we go.

DEPOSIT: A non-refundable deposit of NZ$750 is requested to secure your place on the mountain journey. Full payment can also be made at time of registration. Special arrangements are available by request. Final payment due by February 1st.

CANCELLATIONS: Spirit engages you from the moment of your decision to attend. Emotions and growth edges begin to come forward for healing. Unknowingly, some can project their discomfort outwardly and/or give into fight-flight mechanisms. This is normal and yet, distraction and avoidance delay resolution, aka, healing. An elder put it this way, in order to get to unconditional love, one must visit all of their conditions along the way. Here we learn to do alchemy, to turn the lead (entanglement) in to gold (harmony). And, that said, if someone has extenuating circumstances and is unable to make a specific retreat, we can reschedule you for a future gathering within a year’s time.

REGISTRATION: Please use the below link to email Philippe :

PHILIPPE ATMAN is an accomplished healing practitioner drawing on over 20 years professional experience. Early in life he was drawn to yoga, qigong, meditation and shamanism. Extensive travels in the Americas connected him to indigenous wisdom, holistic healing modalities and the divinity found in all aspects of life. Philippe brings together energy medicine, intuitive healing, integrative breath work, physiotherapy, massage, reiki, craniosacral therapy and soul centred counselling to help align the mind, body and soul. He offers a gentle and heart centred space as he supports clients, teaches energy healing, facilitates group healing workshops, presents at international festivals and runs programs and retreats in New Zealand, Bali and Europe.

Jeffrey Huamanchiq Wium has spent the past 20 years exploring and integrating holistic practices from around the world. He has distilled his knowledge into easily accessible programs and practices to help you live more consciously while increasing vitality and finding contentment in a world of constant change. Jeffrey’s approach is based on self-responsibility, empowerment, mind-body-spirit harmonization, meditation and animistic consciousness. He offers consultations, programs and retreats to help people transform their lives and embody their true Essence. He is a father and a celestial lineage holder in the Andean-Inkan Holy Mountain Tradition.

For enquiries and registration