School of Healing Arts

One Spirit
Healing Practitioner Training

ONE SPIRIT Healing Practitioner Trainings have been carefully put together to take you step by step onto the Healer’s Path. Whatever your starting point is on this Journey, these Training Courses are designed to awaken your Innate and Natural Healing Abilities and teach you Effective Tools to become an outstanding and powerful Healing Practitioner. 

One Spirit School of Healing Arts is an Approved Training Provider, and provides an internationally recognized Certificate after the successful completion of Level 3 Training.

Upcoming Trainings

Level 1Next Intake October 2024
Level 2Next Intake April 2025
Level 3Next Intake October 2025

Core Training Content

Self Healing

ONE SPIRIT promotes an alignment and congruency of your personal energy in life, and the professional practitioner you are going to be. This is what it means ‘To walk your Talk’ – to fully embody the soul in this human form. Self Healing plays a central role in this Healing Practitioner Training, as it is an essential part of being an effective and authentic Healing Practitioner. Personal healing appointments with Philippe are part of the training and will be scheduled as you embark on this journey.

Nature of Healing & the Language of Energy

ONE SPIRIT creates an experiential environment for you to learn and master how healing occurs and how to read and work with energy. This opens up spiritual dimensions, in which mind, body, feelings and spirit become a dynamic and powerful unit.

Awakening & Developing your Innate Wisdom & Healing Abilities

ONE SPIRIT honours the guidance and calling which resides in each one of us, and consistently draws us back to what we are truly here to do and give. Our true purpose.

This is the key to reclaiming your innate wisdom and abilities and sets the foundation for your path of service. The Training facilitates and supports the development of each individual’s strengths and abilities. Your energy sets the foundation for your training and development.

Ancient & Modern Ways of Healing

ONE SPIRIT delivers teachings in a range of Healing Techniques including Energy Healing, Distant Healing, Group Healing, Chakra Balancing, Emotional Healing, Shamanic Healing, Compassionate Communication, Vibrational Healing, Soul Reading, Breath Work, Bodywork, Meditation, Visualisations, Spirit Communication and much more.

Self Care & Mastery of Personal Energy

The work as a healer requires much dedication and holds deep responsibility. Therefore this training teaches you much about self-care practices, healthy boundaries, and personal needs, to develop a balanced approach to your service. You will be learning about mastering your personal energy as you progress on this path.

Development as a Healing Practitioner & Initiation to Your Own Business Practice

ONE SPIRIT supports you to become an effective & confident Healing Practitioner and will give you tools and guidance to develop your own work/business as a career. Personal and group supervision are part of this training and will be scheduled as you embark on this journey.

Philippe Atman - Principal Teacher & Founder of One Spirit

Philippe Atman – One Spirit Energy Healing

Philippe has brought his life experience and professional skills from the last 25 years together, to offer this comprehensive Healing Practitioner Training. The love for his work as a Healer and Teacher has been the driving force behind his dedication to supporting people in their healing, empowerment, and awakening. His personal and professional developments in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing and wellbeing, are part of the makeup of this holistic course. He has had many mentors and teachers, reintroducing ancient wisdom into his work, as well as stimulating what naturally resided in him.

Most of all, Philippe learned from nature and his mentors in spirit, from listening and observing, and then applying and co-creating with life force energy. Philippe considers himself a lifelong student of the spirit and is learning constantly about our human existence and the ways of healing and evolving.

“I am deeply honoured to invite you onto the Healer`s path!

Healing is my heart’s calling in this life, which has taken me on many inward & outward journeys. In fully saying “Yes” to a path of service, I learned very quickly that in order to help others, I needed to delve deeply into my own healing. Becoming more and more comfortable in the realms of my shadow, has allowed me to support and guide people through the dark to the light, to heal themselves. This is a journey of the heart, and love will always guide us back to wholeness. Are you ready?” 

Training Structure


runs over a 5 – 6 month period, incorporating 2 weekend training modules, 4 Online Teaching Modules, 2 Personal Healing Sessions (next Intake October 2024)


runs over a period of 5 – 6 months, incorporating 2 weekend training modules, 4 Online Teaching Modules 2 Personal Healing Sessions (next Intake April 2025)


is a year long, in depth Healing Practitioner Training to become a fully qualified and certified One Spirit Healing Practitioner, incorporating: 5 Weekend training modules, 5Day Residential Retreat, 5 Personal Healing Sessions, 5 Supervision Evenings, working in a team of Practitioners offering Koha Community Events including Healings Clinics and Group Healing Evenings (next Intake January 2025)

Grounded in Ancient Wisdom – Guided by the Heart

Heal Yourself
Remember Your Purpose
Learn Ancient and Modern Healing Tools
Become a Healing & Guiding Force for our Earth and Humanity