One Spirit
Healing Practitioner Training
Enrolment – Level One

I am pleased to confirm your place on the One Spirit Healing Practitioner Training Level 1.

I am truly looking forward to welcoming you onto this journey of healing, growth and service.

Please submit this form and the Student Information & Consent Form, thank you.

Level 1 Dates for 2022:

Module 1: 18 – 20 February / Module 2: 18 – 20 March
Module 3: 9 -10 April / Module 4: 20 – 22 May
Module 5: 17- 19 June / Module 6: 1 – 3 July

Cost & Payments:

Level One Full – $3100 if paid in full by the commencement of the Training.

Level One Installments – $3400 if paid in monthly installments.

Payments to Atman Limited 38-9019-0098512-01

Read through Terms & Conditions