What Some of Our
Students Say About the Training

“Philippe’s One Spirit Healing Practitioner’s course has been, and continues to be- an incredibly inspiring and special offering that I am in awe of and so very grateful to be journeying along. Philippe radiates such a genuine presence of love, and a deep gift of walking alongside others in supporting their healing. He holds deep knowledge, wisdom and intuition which is evident and openly shared in his guiding and teaching, clearly seeing me as an individual in my journey, explorations and learnings, but encompassing the group energy and eternal oneness we experience together in the class and universe together. I have so much admiration and appreciation for all he offers.”

“This course has been one of the most worthwhile and meaningful things I’ve ever done. I initially signed up wanting to learn more about energy healing and be able to offer this to people, but I got so much more than that. It has absolutely transformed me – catapulting me into a deep personal healing journey, for which I’m incredibly grateful. Philippe has empowered and supported me to step into my personal power as a healer – fully embodied, fully expressed, fully connected. The course has such amazing content, and Philippe shares it in a way that’s so knowledgeable, encouraging, and free of judgement. He is so clearly passionate about this work, and about supporting each one of us to find our own unique way of connecting to it. He creates a beautiful, loving environment for everyone to safely express and be themselves as they learn and journey through this experience together, and he holds the space for each and every one of us in such a compassionate and understanding way. This has been an experience like no other, and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough.”

“I have recently completed Level 2 of this training and I couldn’t recommend this training more highly! Philippe is a master practitioner and teacher with 25 years of experience as a healer who has created a training that is uniquely his in all that he brings together. He has many strings to his bow drawing from modalities that have given a thorough knowledge of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing. What he offers is deeply personal bringing his full depth as a man and a soul to what he is teaching. I feel so much respect for how aligned his work is with how he lives his life – he really walks his talk and this allows him to hold a circle for this training with such depth, connection to spirit, integrity, gentleness, and love. Amazing to work with such a humble teacher who has so so much to offer. I have witnessed everyone in the group go through an incredible journey of learning, expansion, and personal healing while forming a beautiful bond together, feeling very much like a family. 6 months of this course has helped me to expand to a whole other level with my energy and my work as a counsellor and healer – my client base tripling in a short time at the end of the course! I have greatly grown in confidence within myself and in my healing work. Philippe has given us all an amazing opportunity to go deeper into our shadow work (the personal healing journey very much being a foundation of this course). Not to mention many great tools, information, forms of best practice in supporting others and one’s self, lots of time to practice and find your way as a healer. So many amazing experiences of connecting more deeply with spirit and nature and expanding more into multi-dimensional experiences. Another important thing to mention is that this course offers an opportunity to go deeper with yourself and expand your experience of living consciously and working with energy however that might be expressed for you in life, whether that be as an energy healer of something else.”

“The One Spirit Healing Practitioner Training – Level 1 was one of the best decisions I have made.  When I read the flyer for this course, I felt the need to participate.  My own personal growth is testimony to how incredible this course was.  For me it was challenging and amazingly rewarding.  Philippe facilitated our group in a professional, supportive manner with his knowledge and wisdom.  The resources provided were detailed and the practical experiences invaluable.  Philippe, thank you for providing the opportunity for those who were willing to continue their journey of growth and healing.  Therefore enabling us to support others on their journey with more knowledge and wisdom in the future.”

“Spending the last 6 months immersed in Level 1 of the One Spirit Healing Practitioners Training has been the most awakening, authentic, healing, honest and challenging journey I’ve ever embarked on.

It feels like being on a river, at times gentle and flowing, allowing and generous with easy times to soak it all in and relish the views, support from spirit, support from the elements of nature, support from the love, guidance, wisdom, experience and presence of Philippe with his vast heart centred offerings, together with my fellow truth seeking tribe….

Then…hitting the rapids, the rocks, the unknowing of what’s ahead, the fear, the unravelling, the delving into the depths… hanging on and hanging in… trusting the flow…knowing in my heart I am safe, feeling safe… regardless of what obstacles I hit…energetically with heart and love Philippe holds the space and provides life jackets and helmets in case we crash…even when we hit the waterfalls and it all crashes down… still safe as I land on the shore with my crew…in waters that soothe, are healing and are calm making the crash so worthwhile, needed, celebrated…

Participating in this training/experience feels like all paths thus far for me were leading to this training, at this time… serendipity personified.

0800PHILIPPE is a must for truth seekers. Eternal gratitude, love and respect have I for sharing his air. “Into the mystery we go…together we are all walking each other home. Namaste ”

“Signing up for this training was first and foremost about learning tools to support my own spiritual journey, one that I’ve traveled alone so far, or with the wrong people, making things even more hurtful or difficult for me. Philippe always knew though that facilitating healing for others was part of my journey, and with grace and kindness guided me with a level of integrity that I haven’t seen in the “healing field”, with a level of respect that wasn’t given to me before. After my first module, I laughed as I knew (a part of me always knew) that learning about healing was part of my journey, I was already doing it in a way with my yoga teachings, but this was taking things to a whole new level, one that I wasn’t expecting.  Philippe has provided me with tools to not only empower myself and my truth, but also to support others on their journey. He goes above and beyond, and supports my journey with so much love and care. During my journey I’ve reached out to Philippe at times, in which I felt completely lost, defeated, detached, I was in complete darkness. He, with so much patience, kindness and his incredible knowledge, has always brought me back to the light. What I love about this training and Philippe’s work is the willingness to share his knowledge, he isn’t greedy, he doesn’t tell me the answers, he shows me the way, he is openly teaching me, and has an answer that makes sense every single time. I have grown as a person, but also in my spirituality, in my confidence, in my own personal trust, in my own journey as a healer. I feel confident enough to hold a healing session, which is  something that I did not think would be possible 6 months ago. I am excited for the journey ahead, and for finally being able to connect with my teacher. I cannot recommend this enough, because even if being a “healer” isn’t what people are after, just attending the course brings safety to express myself and speak my own language in a way I haven’t been able to do before. Being a healer is 100% a calling for me, however helping heal others isn’t the only thing I’ve learnt. I have learnt to heal myself. I have learnt to heal my own heart and wounds, to discover my own light and with that to be able to brighten another persons way. I am forever grateful to Philippe for bringing me back into my own light. I am forever grateful for having him as my teacher, for him always finding a way to support me when support is needed.  This journey has been incredible, and I cannot wait to discover more and more.”